- Abeam
- Add-on
- Adjoining rooms
- Aft
- Agent
- Airport access fee
- Airport transfer
- A la carte
- All Inclusive
- All-inclusive package
- Amenities
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Artificial intelligence (AI)
- Augmented reality (AR)
- Augmented reality (AR)
- Availability
- Average room rate
- Babymoon
- Baggage Allowance
- Base fare
- Bed and breakfast (B&B)
- Berth
- Biometric Technology
- Biometric Technology
- Blackout dates
- Blockchain
- Blockchain
- Boarding pass
- Boarding pass
- Bulk fare
- Business class
- Cabin
- Cabin Crew
- Cancellation penalty/fee
- Captain
- Carrier
- Carry-on
- Certified Tour Professional (CTP)
- Certified Travel Associate – (CTA)
- Circle trip
- City Guide
- Confirmed Reservation
- Connecting Flight
- Connecting Room
- Conventional Tours
- Corporate agency
- Database
- Deck
- Deposit
- Destination
- Direct Flight
- Domestic Fare
- Double occupancy
- Downgrade
- Duty-free imports
- Early Check-In
- Electronic ticket
- English Breakfast
- Escort
- Excess Baggage
- Exclusive fare
- Family Plan
- FAM Trip
- Fare basis
- First class
- Frequent Flier
- Full house
- Galley
- Gate-Airport
- Geolocation
- Geolocation
- Global Distribution System (GDS)
- Global Distribution System (GDS)
- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
- Group tour
- Guide
- Hard-copy
- Honeymoon Travel
- Hostel
- Hub
- Inbound Tour
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- In Transit
- Itinerary
- Jet Bridge
- Jet lag
- Jump Seat
- Kilometer
- King Room
- Land Arrangements
- Land Destinations
- Land Only
- Land Transfers
- Late Booking Fee
- Layover
- Leisure travel
- Lowest available fare
- Luxury Class
- Maximum stay
- Meet-and-greet service
- Meeting/conference tour
- Minimum connect time
- Mobile App
- Mobile App
- Multi-day tour
- Net Fare
- Net Rate
- Non-Refundable
- Nonstop
- Non-Transferable
- No Show
- Occupancy Rate
- Online Booking System
- Online Booking System
- Operator
- Outbound
- Outbound Tour
- Passenger Facility Charge (PFC)
- Passenger Name Record (PNR)
- Passport/Visa Service
- Per Capita Costs
- Point to Point
- Published fare
- Quad
- Query
- Rack rate
- Reconfirm
- Record locator
- Red-eye flight
- Reissue
- Room Occupancy
- Round trip
- Sabre
- Safari
- Saturday Night Stay
- Shoulder season
- Single Room
- Sleeper
- Spa
- Special Fare
- Suite
- Tariff
- Terminal
- Through passenger
- Ticket stock
- Tour
- Tour Guide
- Transfer
- Travel agency
- Travel agent
- Unlimited Mileage
- Unrestricted Fare
- Upgrade
- Value
- Villas
- Virtual reality (VR)
- Virtual reality (VR)
- Visa
- Voucher
- Waitlist
- Waiver
- Yield Management
Exploring the intersection of travel and technology.